Gospel Songs

De-prosperous – Alesè (Able God) (Mp3 Download, Lyrics)

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Video: Alesè (Able God) by De-prosperous

Alesè (Able God) Lyrics by De-prosperous

Verse : Alewi Alesè what you say you will do you are God God alone.
Alewi Alesè what you say you will do you are God Elohim x2.

Chorus : There is nothing you cannot do (lead)
No no no no There is nothing you cannot change
You are God There is nothing you cannot do
There is nothing you cannot change Elohim

Call and Response: You can move every mountain
You can fill every valley You can heal every Sickness
You are God Elohim (Lead) You can move every
mountain mountain Mountain God You Can fill every
valley, every desolate part of my life, You can heal

every Sickness You are God Elohim

(Back to Chorus)
There is nothing you cannot do There is nothing you
cannot change, You are God There is nothing you
cannot do There is nothing you cannot change Elohim

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